Improve Your Relationship

8 Ways to Improve your Relationship

8 Ways to Improve your Relationship

Relationships are difficult, and as the saying goes, marriage is a work in progress.

Many people are quick to warn about the problems that a romance can confront when the honeymoon phase is over. With a little mindfulness and a little mindfulness, couples can employ these tiny (scientifically proved) tactics to maintain—and even improve—their bond.

1. Be Understanding and Compassionate

Have you experienced a particularly demanding day at work? According to University of California, Santa Barbara studies, simply being your partner’s sounding board is insufficient. Because it is believed that feeling understood, validated, and cared for by others enhances relationships and well-being, people who actually care about their partner’s stress are more supportive.

2. Set aside Time for Intimacy at least once a Week


A recent study found that couples who do the deed at least once a week have the highest level of relationship happiness. So, what’s the snag? Try not to push it. Despite the fact that couples who have sex less than once a week are less pleased with their relationship, the findings do not specify whether having more sex makes partners happier or whether happier couples simply have more sex.

3. Set aside Time for Introspection.

Marriage experts believe that formal check-ins can help spouses bond. Weekly meetings, one for domestic tasks and one for more personal topics, may make both spouses feel more validated, respected, and at ease.

4. Take a Breather from Your Smartphone

Why? Phubbing (partner phone snubbing), is a term for the distraction caused by a phone while in the company of a romantic partner (keeping his or her cell phone within eyesight or in hand, glancing at his or her cell phone while carrying on a conversation, and checking notifications during a lull in the conversation), can be harmful to a relationship. In fact, just 32% of those who had been subjected to phubbing practices were extremely satisfied with their relationship.

5. Send a Sexy Text Message

Send a text message

Every now and then, a raunchy text message might be beneficial to a couple. Sexting, according to Drexel University research, boosted sexual pleasure in those in casual or committed relationships.

6. Plan a Romantic Evening for you and your Significant other

For good reason, this is time-tested wisdom. According to a National Marriage Project poll conducted in 2021, husbands and wives were 3.5 and 3.6 times more likely to report being “very happy” in their marriage when they spent “couple time,” such as date night.

7. Show Appreciation Frequently

When your partner performs a major gesture, you should express your appreciation. But what about more everyday activities like dishwashing and bill paying? According to a University of Georgia study, giving thanks is an important component in improving marriages.

8. Spend Money on Romantic Thoughts

Plan Dating

Apply what you’ve learned from your favorite romantic comedy to your own life. According to a recent study, couples who believe in love at first sight, soul mates, and the belief that love never fades are more likely to report higher levels of pleasure and commitment in their relationships.

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Sphie Ross

Sophie Ross has written, edited, and produced beauty and fashion content for more than 3 years. She works full-time in the fashion and beauty categories as a copywriter, but she is passionate about all things related to beauty.